...PDP Inter Ward Football Competition to commence next year

...The Party is very proud of you - PDP Chairman

By Ubong Creativity David

The State Legal Adviser of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP, Barr. Akpadiaha Ebitu has promised to expand the scope of Eket Ward 3 Urban Football Competition to accommodate all the 50 Wards in Eket Federal Constituency to make the annual football tournament very competitive.

Barr. Akpadiaha Ebitu speaking at the Grand Finale of Eket Ward 3 Urban Unity Football Competition

The PDP State Legal Adviser made the disclosure yesterday at the Grand Finale of Eket Ward 3 Urban Unity Football Competition held at Government Primary School, Enen Ekpene in Eket Local Government Area.

Speaking at the event, the legal luminary said he is grateful to God for making the tournament successful even in the midst of challenging Covid-19 pandemic.

"I am grateful to God for seeing us through in a challenging moment. I am a very happy man today. I am happy because my people are happy. For those who have survived 2020, we must give God thanks.

Akpadiaha said the football tournament which started as inter-family unity competition had been expanded to accommodate the entire Ward, saying by next year, he will further expand the scope to include all the 50 Wards in Eket Federal Constituency and tagged it PDP Inter Ward Football Competition.

"I want to say that this tournament will continue in a better and higher scope. I am what I am because of PDP. I am what I am because of Governor Udom Emmanuel. The good news is that this tournament will be expanded to accommodate all the 50 Wards in Eket Federal Constituency. This is my little way to tell PDP thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve, first as State Treasurer of the party and presently, as State Legal Adviser," he stressed.

He announced that the first position for PDP Inter Ward Football Competition will go home with N1 million while the Ist Runner-up and Third position will cart home N600,000 and N400,000 respectively.

An elated Ebitu expressed appreciation to the players for peaceful conduct, Local Organizing Committee, friends and spectators for the support to make the event a huge success, promising to improve as the tournament expand. He further charged those appointed by Governor Udom to ensure that they touch the lives of others as the governor cannot reach everyone but through his appointees.

In his goodwill message, the State Chairman of PDP, Hon. Udo Ekpenyong represented by State Organizing Secretary, Barr. Moses Akpan for being a good ambassador of the party by uniting the people through grassroot sport development, stressing that the business of the party is to sensitize, mobilize and motivate. 

"What I have witness today is truly a confirmation that we have party generals who are not only generals in towns but men who are general in grassroots movement. Barr. Akpadiaha Ebitu the party is very  proud of you and we will speak concerning what you have done because the business of party is sensitization, mobilization and motivation.

Barr. Moses Akpan representing PDP State Chairman, Hon. Udo Ekpenyong

Barr. Akpan thanked the governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Udom Emmanuel for the peaceful environment that have made the event possible, urging the people to pray for him always because it is not easy to be a leader. He also congratulated the winner of the tournament for a well deserved victory, saying they merit it due to their skillful disposition.

The Chairman of Eket local government area, Rt. Hon. Akaniyene Tommey who was represented by the Secretary of Council, Hon. Uso Hanson expressed appreciation to Barr. Ebitu for organizing the tournament. He pleaded with him to get the Council involve in next edition to make the event more victorious.

The SSA on Religious Matters, Rev. Daniel Akwatang said Barr. Ebitu have done noble by expanding the scope of the tournament from inter-family unity competition to accommodate the entire Ward. He said Barr. Ebitu deserves all the accolades, emphasizing that when someone has done something worthwhile, he should be commended. He thanked the players and teams for making the community lively during the festive season, lending his support to the winning teams.

Speaking also at the event, the President Eket People's Union, Dr. Samuel Udonsak commended Barr. Ebitu for his commitment to grassroot sport development by expanding the scope to accommodate all families which he shared with him. He stressed that his actions has confirmed that some people who are holding public offices has listening ears, urging him to continue to do good for the collective interest of the people.

Earlier, the Chairman Local Organizing Committee LOC, Amb. Amaku said the entire tournament is worth the time and thanked the sponsor for a job well done, saying the tournament is aimed to unite the people and facilitate development in the area.

The final match was between Nung AkpanUmo in Atai Ndon and Nung Ekong in Ekpene which ended in 2 goals to nil in favour of Nung Ekong. The winner went home with N500,000 while the 2nd position, Nung AkpanUmo and Third Place position, Otung Edôhô carted home N300,000 and N200,000 respectively.

The Best Player of the Tournament went to Dungan Nkamare who scored four goals while Best Goal Keeper went to Emmanuel Anietie Etukudo. Best Behaved Player Award was given to Akanimo Edoho while Well Behaved Team 1 and Well Behaved Team 2 went to Nung Udo Ntuen and Nung Akpan Family respectively. Thirty four (34) teams participated in the tournament.

In attendance were PDP State Exco, AKISIEC Chairman, Elder Aniedi Ikoiwak, former Deputy of Council, Eket LGA, Hon. Ekanem Willie, PDP Chair of Chair, Hon. Eddy Etangkanga, Rockyfeller Nsudoh, ex-football international, Victor Udofa, Councillors, former Eket Council Secretary, Pastor Aniedi Usoro, among others.


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