...frown at cultism, mbiam politics in Eket

By Admin

The PDP elders in Eket local government area have set ground rules for chairmanship aspirants ahead of the coming local government elections in the state. They said outside the constitutional and party requirements, aspirants for chairmanship and councillorship position must meet certain criteria before participating in the coming local government elections for the overall interest and progress of Eket local government area.

The Eket PDP Elders made their decision known today in Eket in a meeting of party elders held at the residence of Chief Nduese Essien.
Eket PDP Elders at the meeting

In his welcome remarks, the political leader of Eket Senatorial District, Chief Nduese Essien said with the announcement of local government election by AKISIEC, there is need for Eket PDP Elders to meet and discuss the quality of leaders that befit the status of Eket local government area.

Chief Essien said outside constitutional and party requirements, aspirants for Chairmanship position must be degree holders and are married. He raised a serious concern on "mbiam" politics, saying it should be uprooted in the political lexicon of Eket local government area as some people have been victims of this fetish practices.

The former Minister declared that no cultist will be allowed to stand the election in line with Akwa Ibom State law proscribing cultism so as to avoid litigation which may be counterproductive to the development and progress of Eket local government area.

Chief Essien submitted that Eket PDP Elders must do critical assessment of all the aspirants especially those aspiring for chairmanship position, saying the outgoing chairman had set a standard that should be surpassed by his successor. He added that they will also ensure that competent and qualified individuals emerge as Councillors, as the chairman can only succeed with the quality of Councillors that are produced to work with him.
Cross section of Eket PDP Elders at the meeting

He thanked the outgoing chairman, Hon. Frank Archibong for setting a standard that have propelled him to a higher political office, urging people who are given political position to use it wisely so as to merit a higher office.

In their separate contributions, Prof. Etie Ben Akpan, Barr. Akpadiaha Ebitu, Chief C. H. Isong, and Pastor Ita Imo Udo said more aspirants should be encouraged but advocated for a level playing ground for all.

On cultism, Barr. Jack Udota suggested that every aspirant should swear an affidavit declaring his non membership of any cult group, saying if found otherwise, the person will be prosecuted in line with Akwa Ibom State Law on Proscription of cult groups. His position was supported by Apostle Sunny Akpadiaha who said that the problem is not about having law but it's implementation.

Pastor Ita Udo come strongly against swearing of oath (mbiam) in Eket politics, saying such practices should be discouraged in it's entirety. He advised that responsible men and women should be elected as party executive as only irresponsible people are the one that took oath on election because of their poverty mentality.
Outgoing Chairman/Commissioner designate, Hon. Frank Archibong speaking
at the meeting

Hon. Ayang Akanimo advocated for a level playing ground for all aspirants but frowned at political jobbers who have misled some of the aspirants, saying Eket PDP Elders will consider the best for the interest of the local government area.

The President of Ekid Progressive Union, Dr. Samuel Udonsak said the issues discuss at the meeting are of great important to Eket people and also encouraged level playing field for all aspirants.

Corroborating his position, Sen. Helen Esuene advised that democracy should be given a chance by allowing open contest for all the aspirants to test their popularity where the best will be chosen.

The wife of the Paramount Ruler of Eket, Her Majesty Obonganwan Mandu Abia appealed for more women to be accommodated and given opportunity to serve.

The Eket PDP Elders maintained that whoever that will emerge as Chairman must be someone that is generally acceptable by Eket people, emphasizing that the would be chairman must residence in Eket and have the interest of Eket people at heart. They unanimously rejected imposition of any anionted candidate from individual or group, stressing that power must return back to the people.

The outgoing chairman of Eket, Hon. Frank Archibong while thanking Eket PDP Elders for their support during his tenure, solicit for more support in his new office. He said that if he was an insulting type, he wouldn't receive the kind of support that was given him which gave him the platform to excel higher, calling on those in position of authority to be humble and responsible as their actions can lift or bring them down.

In attendance were Leader, Eket Legislative Council, Hon. Kufre Ekpe, Group Captain Moses Eno (Rtd), Dr. Emmanuel Ekott, Mrs. Abigail Edohoeket, Barr. Emmanuel Udoh, Kennedy Akwaowo, Emmanuel Sammy, among others.


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