By Daniel Edon

Yesterday, 15th. July 2020, the Chairman Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly Committee on Works and Transport/Member Representing Eket State Constituency, Rt.Hon. David Lawrence interfaced with the leadership of Akwa Ibom MotorCycle Transporters Association, AMOTA, at the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly Old Chapel.
Rt. Hon. David Lawrence

The leadership went straight into the business of the day by presenting a letter containing a 3-point demands to the Chairman House Committee on Works and Transport.

In the 1 page document that was signed by the State President and Secretary, Comrade Edet Okon Ntukube  and Comrade John Samuel  respectively, and made available to the Press, the AMOTA expressed displeasure over what they claimed as neglect by Government after the elections. They said they were fully involved in the electionary campaign of the Governor but were abandoned soon after the elections. They Grassroot Transporters alleged that Government doesn't carry them along in her policies, especially as it regards their welfare and empowerment.

The group said that they are desirous to pay a courtesy visit on the State Government, and request that the Eket Lawmaker should help them to meet with the Governor as soon as possible.

The Group in their second demand, appeal to the Government to lift ban on the sale of daily motorcycle tickets by the Cyclists Union, as over twenty thousand workers engaged in the sale of the tickets across the State, feeds their families from the proceeds. They feared that if this situation continues, it would bring frustration and pains to them.

The Group also pleaded with the Committee Chairman on Works and Transport to use his Office to advise the Government to see reason to allow them the sole right to collect all levies pertaining to commercial Motorcycles, and not through Consultant, in order to avoid conflict between them.

Recalled that the Governor of Akwa Ibom State, Mr. Udom Emmanuel, in his quest to reduce the financial burdens on Akwa Ibom people during the Covid-19 era, in his magnanimity, had announced a tax holiday in the State, by banning all forms of ticketing and tax on haulage etc...till further notice.

Responding, Rt.Hon. Lawrence thanked the leadership of AMOTA, for coming to the House of Assembly to seek clarification on the subject matter. He said as a Committee in the House of Assembly, and as stakeholders in the Transport sector, it is their responsibility to meditate whenever there are issues and to advise where necessary for the smooth operation of the Transport system and to maintain peace in the State and the local government areas.

The Lawmaker thanked AMOTA on behalf of the  State Government, for support they gave during the elections. He said that AMOTA is part of the success story of the Government of Akwa Ibom State.

On the courtesy visit on the Governor, the Eket Lawmaker said due to social distancing, they may have to wait awhile till the situation relaxes; before the visit could be arranged in conjunction with the Commissioner for Transport.

On the issue of lifting of ban on daily sales of tickets, the Eket Lawmaker said that the position of Government is very clear, but would however seek for the interpretation of the policy because there are two elements that are involved: Government tax and Union levy.

On this, the Chairman of the Committee informed the Transporters that very soon, the State Government would liaise with the Board of Internal Revenue and would come out with a clearer picture on whether AMOTA would be allowed to collect the Union levy as the Government doesn't want to collect tax any longer till further notice.

On the last request of the group; that Local Government should assign the sales of Tickets across the 31 LGAs, to AMOTA, without involving consultant, Rt.Hon. Lawrence said he knows of some LGAs that AMOTA have been given such privilage. He however asked them to do a letter to his office, mentioning the LGAs that have not involved AMOTA in that regards.

Finally, the Lawmaker thanked the Leadership of the Transport Association for not trying to break the law by trying to continue in the sale of tickets when government has come up with a policy restraining people for collecting levies, but decides to come the House of Assembly to seek clarification.

He advised them to continue maintaining Peace and government order, promising to address their challenges as soon as he meets with the Commissioner for Transport.


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