The Reprehensible Actions of our Councillors

By Ekemini Simon

I have noticed several attempts by Councilors in the State to defend themselves against the recent statement credited to Senator Effiong Bob.

It could be recalled that in an interview with Conference of Online Publishers Akwa Ibom, (COOPA) yesterday, the Senator said that one of the problems facing democracy at the grassroots is that MAJORITY of councillors are illiterate. He called for a change in the narrative by electing good and qualified people.

Having been pinched by the assertion cum charge, some of the councilors have come up with hash tag proclaiming that they are not illiterates. Others have mentioned the educational qualification of a few they think are not analphabetic.

Interestingly, the Chairman of Akwa Ibom State Councillors Forum, Hon Bassey Etim on behalf of the councilors in the state in what may pass as a press statement, reeled out statistics of the educational qualification of councilors in Akwa Ibom State. He emphasized that their formal education exonerates them from all forms of illiteracy.

When I read this defence, I wondered whether the Chairman hasn't read the book "Idiots With BSC". This is not to say that I see our dear Councilors as idiots. Nonetheless, the fact remains that if the Chairman had read that book, perhaps he would never have dared to use that pedestrian argument as a line of defence.

Considering the issue in question, was the Senator really right in his postulation? First, it must be noted that the Senator did not generalize his statement. He carefully made use of the word "majority" which implies that although many are illiterates, there are scores who are not among the unfortunate fold.

Is it then true that majority among the councilors are illiterates? The actions of the councilors in the State should be used for inference.

An illiterate is simply a person who cannot read or write. Pray tell, how does recent activities of councillors in the state prove that they can read the law of the land vis-à-vis that which guides their activities?

How do you explain a situation where the constitution has given them enormous powers to play the role of check and balances in local government administration but they always choose to run to the legislature, another tier of government to make them understand what the law says about them so that their problems can be solved.

Is this situation not akin to someone who has a text message in his phone but will take it to another person to read to their understanding so they know what to do? What kind of a person will act that way? Isn't it an illiterate?

For goodness sake, you are handy with the laws, why are you then bereft of the insight into your duties and powers, if not that you are hexed with reading deficiency.

Certainly, if the majority of our councillors were able to read, they would have been abreast with information about the demands of their office that they are supposed to make bylaws and carry out oversight functions. But how would they know their functions if they cannot and do not read. Let our councillors prove the Senator wrong by mentioning any bylaw they have made since assumption of office. Isn't it sad that the only time our councillors are heard is when they wrestle with council Chairmen over their allowances among other entitlements? Simply personal interest! Yet, you are paid with tax payers money.

On the other aspects of illiteracy- writing, anyone who has read the recent press statement by Ika legislative Council will clearly understand the condition of our dear councilors. The grammatical affliction in that statement signed by the leader of the Legislature reflects the scabby condition of all Councillors in Ika. How sad!

Needless to dwell much on the grammatical blunders saturating the Statement by the Chairman of Akwa Ibom State Councillors Forum which we believe was read and endorsed by all Councillors in the State before coming public. In sympathy, we would rather wish to inform him that in the Third Paragraph, instead of writing "Except our Senator "have" proof, it should have been "has" proof.

In Paragraph 3, line 6, instead of using "Prove" in that context, it should have been "proof". I am only bringing these blunders to his attention so that he can correct them fast before it circulates widely and the public will now be persuaded to believe the statement by the Senator was an understatement and that in reality, all our councillors are illiterates. God forbid! That would be a slap to the State.

It is noted that our dear Councilors had queried the Senator's proof to his assertion. Are the above facts not glaring enough even to the benighted? We must understand that in research, you don't need to work with the entire population before arriving at your findings. You can make an informed hypothesis through your experience with a sample of the population. The actions and inactions of the councilors in the last two and a half years, the press statements from Ika Legislative Council and Akwa Ibom State Councilors Forum, are very strong variables that reveal the reading and writing ability of our councillors.

Admittedly, there may be a handful who are thoroughbred hence can read and write. Sadly, these ones are overwhelmed by the unlettered majority. Since majority will always have their way, this sad narrative is clearly reflected in their performance and how they are rated.

It would be a wise course for our councillors to swallow this bitter pill administered by the Senator who once served in their position. They should not see it as an insult rather as a charge to the unlettered majority to produce result.


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